Yes, Fox News Even Has An Excuse For Trump's 'I'm F**ked'
Katie Pavlich earns her Fox News paycheck for pretending Trump's comment (as Mueller was hired) was about his "agenda." As if that's a thing.
It's a special kind of accomplishment when a lie is so grandiose it stands out on Fox News.
And it was a moment in the Mueller Report where Trump wet the bed, revealing his consciousness of guilt at the moment he was told about the Special Counsel appointment:
How could anyone, even at Fox, spin the visual of Trump's guilty panic? Trust Katie! (Transcript via Media Matters)
KATIE PAVLICH (FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR): You know, there's been this out-of-context quote from the Mueller report that reporters have been talking about as a result of the release, saying that the president said he was a bad word. He was -- essentially, his presidency was over as a result of the special counsel getting launched. But he didn't say it in the sense that he was guilty. He said it in the sense that special counsel investigations or special investigations, independent counsels slow down your agendas.
Slow down WHAT agenda? Packing the courts? Violating the Geneva Convention? Collecting emoluments?
Trump doesn't have a real agenda, and the agenda he DOES have is firmly in place thanks to Mitch McConnell's enabling.
Congratulations Katie, your lie is so big it's likely the corpse of Roger Ailes sat up to salute.