Alabama Senator Bobby Singleton Blows Through Republican Hypocrisy On Abortion Law
Emotional state Senator Singleton told Alabama Senate they told his daughter, "You don't matter to the State of Alabama" with passage of draconian abortion law.
Alabama passed the most restrictive bill banning abortion yesterday, which will forced-birthers no doubt hope will see its way up to the Supreme Court. State Senator Bobby Singleton argued valiantly for an exception in the case of rape and incest, but that was voted down. The only exception will be if the mother's life is in danger. How very "pro-life" of them. Through tears on the floor of the state Senate, Singleton made the following pronouncement:
This morning, he told Alisyn Camerota he felt like the state of Alabama "raped women last night." She asked him if he felt Republcans were doing this just for the purposes of overturning Roe v. Wade, or if they really believed women should never have an abortion unless and only unless they're about to die from the pregnancy. Sen. Singleton said he wished he could say it was purely for the purpose of overturning Roe, but he knows there are members on the other side of the aisle who sincerely believe that women do not deserve access to safe and legal abortions under any circumstances. Even if you're an 11-year-old girl impregnated by rape.
Camerota asked a critically important question of Sen. Singleton - if his Republican colleagues so hellbent on forcing girls and women to give birth, are they talking at all about how to help, for example, a 12-year-old girl who has been forced to have her rapist's baby AFTER she has given birth? Health care and mental health help for her, or other types of support she might need? His answer shocks, I'm sure, no one, yet it's revelatory in showing the forced-birthers for the hypocrites they are.
Got that? There is no new money for mental health, or correcting violations in treatment of prisoners. No money to address women's health or the fact that hospitals and doctors are fleeing in droves. And no money to address the infant mortality rate. Why do they want these babies again? Oooooh, they only care about the *whispers* white babies...but good luck getting health care!
So, the Republican slogan is: Just let us f*ck ya whenever we wanna and shut up and have the babies, girls. After that? We'll f*ck ya all over again.