Bannon's Nazi Academy In Italy Was Just Shut Down

The Italian government shut down Steve Bannon's dream of a fascist training center at a rented monastery near Rome, citing a fraudulent letter used to obtain the lease.

Poor alt-Right grandpa, Steve Bannon, can't catch a break. First he was kicked to the curb when the White House had enough of his craziness. Then his Nazi wet dream of creating "culture warrior academy" was dashed when Italy evicted him.

Here is how it started. The Trisulti monastery was to be the site upon which Steve Bannon would launch his Nazi fever dream -- a “gladiator school for culture warriors.” Bannon's plan was to train students on "populist politics" and then let them back out into the world to hack and slash political institutions everywhere.

That dream appears to be over. Quartz is reporting that Italy’s cultural heritage ministry will revoke the lease given to Bannon after "reports of fraud in the competitive tender process." Further, there are reports that a letter provided to grant the lease was actually forged -- the letter had the "signature of an employee of Danish bank Jyske, but the bank said that employee hadn’t worked there for years, and called the letter fraudulent."

The Nazi Academy was even less successful than Trump University - at least Trump University actually had classes. Still, both of them have fraud in common.

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