Prosecutors In 5 Georgia Counties Vow Not To Enforce 'Heartbeat' Abortion Law

Georgia's draconian abortion law criminalizes doctors who perform abortions and women who have them after a heartbeat is detected. Prosecutors in the state's five largest counties have vowed not to enforce it.

Earlier this month, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signed one of the most restrictive anti-abortion laws - called the "heartbeat bill." This legislation makes abortion illegal after six weeks, a time frame during which most women don't even know they are pregnant. Usually women do not even contemplate that they are pregnant until a missed period, which would be around 4 or 5 weeks...which means they would need to make a doctors appointment, confirm they are pregnant, schedule the abortion and then pay for it - all in a matter of 10 days or less.

Anyone who has an abortion OR performs the procedure has committed a crime and faces up to 10 years in prison.

Well, it looks like women's healthcare may be safe in at lest five of the largest counties because the District Attorney's have vowed not to prosecute women who undergo abortions after the 6 week period or the doctors who perform them. The counties are Fulton, Gwinnett, Cobb, DeKalb and Henry County and they have stated that they either "will not" or "cannot" enforce the law when it goes into effect January 1st.

Gwinnett County DA Danny Porter wrote in a statement to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: "As a matter of law (as opposed to politics), this office will not be prosecuting any women under the new law as long as I’m district attorney,”

DeKalb County DA Sherry Boston told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that she will not prosecute people “given its ambiguity and constitutional concerns.” She further stated: “As a woman and mother, I am concerned about the passage and attempted passage of laws such as this one in Georgia, Alabama, and other states."

Fulton County DA Paul Howard said he “has no intention of ever prosecuting a woman under this new law" and he further added that no medical professionals would face prosecution either. His county includes the highly populous city of Atlanta, so this is pretty remarkable.

The DA from Henry County, Darius Pattillo, called the bill “unconstitutional" and referenced it being in "direct conflict" with Roe v. Wade. He stated: “This office will not prosecute any woman for decisions regarding her own personal health, nor any physician or other healthcare professional, under HB 481.”

Numerous women's health organizations, including Planned Parenthood, the American Civil Liberties Union and the Center for Reproductive Rights, have vowed to sue the State of Georgia over this despicable Handmaids Tale law.

Other states have passed similar laws, including Ohio, Kentucky, Missouri, Mississippi. Just last week Alabama passed the most restrictive law in the country, banning ALL abortion in all cases, even rape and incest.

But don't forget - the same folks that fight for the rights of the unborn are the first ones to cut funding to Head Start, Obamacare/ACA, food stamps, after care programs, etc. They only care about forced birth, not care for the children once they ARE born. It is about controlling women's bodies - nothing more, nothing less.

One step closer to Gilead.

Blessed be the fruit.

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