Elie Mystal Explains Why Don Jr. Cannot Escape Subpoena In The Most Hilarious Way

Elie Mystal suggests Don Jr use Dave Chappell's eponymous defense: One two three four PLEAD THE FIF defense.

Donald Trump Jr received a subpoena just a few days ago to return to testify in front of the Republican led Senate Intelligence Committee to clear up some of his *possible* "misstatements." He is facing four real options: ignore the subpoena and try to fight it, show up and tell the truth, show up and lie or plead the fifth.

In this clip, Elie Mystal joins Joy Ann Reid on AM Joy to discuss options. His first suggestion: Don Jr. channel Dave Chappelle in this HILARIOUS clip from his show, The Chappelle Show.

REID: Welcome back to a.m. Joy. Donald Trump Jr. seems awfully confident for someone who has the same name as the president but not the same immunity from prosecution. He is not just facing fed up Democrats who want more answers following the release of the redacted Mueller report including about whether Donald Jr. told the truth to Congressional investigators in previous trips to Capitol Hill, but also at least one Republican, after the Senate Intelligence Committee run by Richard Burr surprised everyone by dropping a subpoena on Junior this week. Despite calls from Republicans, which could be read as everything from demands to pleas, to drop the subpoena and end his committee's Russia probe, Burr is standing firm so far. Will Don Jr. comply? What happens if he doesn't? Elie Mystal and Joyce Vance are back with me and MSNBC political contributor and former Republican congressman, David Jolly also joins the table. Before I get to you, David I want to go through the two attorneys. What should happen, Elie, if Donald Jr. doesn't comply. Does the immunity of the president from prosecution based on the OLC memo flow through to anyone who shares his name?

MYSTAL: HAHA No! Right? NO. Like, I KNOW white privilege is a THING, but it's not THAT much of a thing, right? There is NO immunity that Don Jr. has.

REID: You mean, the OLC memo didn't say anybody named Donald Trump?


REID: Just checking.

MYSTAL: It doesn't extend to his children or his mistresses or anything like that. It is just for the president.

REID: Okay.

MYSTAL: What should happen is that he shows up. A Congressional subpoena is not spam. He can't crumple it up and throw it away! He just SHOWS UP!

REID: If it was spam the administration would let them text it to you. Unlimited.

MYSTAL: The thing that I don't get, and maybe Jolly can speak to this a little more, is Burr is trying to help Don Jr. right? Like Michael Cohen BLEW Don Jr. up. Like, basically called him a liar and Burr is offering him this opportunity to show up into the committee and confront the convicted liar and clear up the record. And if he can't do that, if he can't answer truthfully, then all he has to do is take the Dave Chappelle "one, two, three, four, FIFFFF," and he's FINE! So, this is a layup, I have no idea why Republicans are freaking out

REID: I am sorry, you did that wrong. It's "one, two, three, four, FIIIIIIIIIIFFFFFFF." So, you did that wrong. Let's go to Joyce on this.

Don Junior is too chicken to show up. He will beg his daddy to protect him. Will he succeed? Or will he be forced to plead the fifffff?

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