Former DNI Clapper: Trump's Denial Of Russian Interference 'Dangerous And Disturbing'

Mueller couldn't be more clear. Russians interfered, and they will again. Do something.

Former Director of National Intelligence, General James Clapper, joined CNN's Wolf Blitzer and Jake Tapper to discuss Robert Mueller's statement of this morning.

Blitzer spoke of the Intelligence Communities' conclusions regarding the certainty of Russian interference in the 2016 election, and Gen. Clapper agreed, stating that "the current leadership of the Intelligence Community has reiterated [this] on more than one occasion. And you're also quite right, and this is what is, I think, dangerous and disturbing is the president's refusal to acknowledge that."

Jake Tapper asked Clapper if Trump continues to disregard the conclusions of his entire Intelligence Community about Russia's illegal interference in our elections, what can we expect to happen in 2020? Especially given the fact that Trump's lawyer and sidearm Rudy Giuliani has publicly stated there is nothing wrong with using information obtained by Russia against a political rival, even if Russia obtained that information illegally?

I assume that the rest of the government will continue to do what it has done...to take measures to prevent a recurrence of what happened in 2016, even in the absence of the president acknowledging it and worse, taking any leadership to do anything about it. And that's what's missing here, there's a void here, and I've long contended this, because of the unique bully pulpit that only the president occupies, to galvanize the American public's attention and concern about this, and I think Mueller's statement is yet another attempt to do that. This is something all Americans should think about.

Gen. Clapper seems to have a lot of faith in what the government can do with a Republican so-called president and Republican Senate.

Mueller said to Congress, "My hands were tied. Yours are not. Do something."

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