Fox And Friends Was A Real Doozy On Trump's Taxes

"If you consider a billion dollars a lot of money," said Brian Kilmeade.

I can't put it better than this Twitter comment:

Just watched @foxandfriends do a Bikram yoga stretch to explain Trump losing $1 billion and the pivot is amazing. These geniuses over here...

The segment opened with the trio reading Trump's spin tweets of the morning. The Tweets in which he calls committing tax fraud "a sport."

They also planted nonsense about this "leak to the New York Times" being illegal. It isn't, it's protected sources. (I would guess a bank lender or perhaps Marla Maples.)

Then it's off to the races with excuses for Trump.

Brian Kilmeade made the statement "if you think a billion dollars is a lot of money," then made as if Trump's losses mean he has superhuman powers: "He's a bold businessman, which is chronicled here. ... I can't imagine having that much money, spending that much money, and being in debt. For him, it makes sense."

Ainsley Earnhart continued the gaslighting: "If anything, you read this and you're like 'wow, it's pretty impressive, all the things that he's done in his life.' It's beyond what most of us could ever achieve."

Beyond what most of us could ever COMMIT in terms of tax fraud, you betcha!

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