Fox News Is Torn Between Trump And Bolton In North Korea Spat

Bill Hemmer cannot fathom that either Bolton or Trump might be wrong, so they must both be right!

It's like Mommy and Daddy are fighting, and the kids at Fox News don't know whose side to take. Or better yet, Fox News is torn between two lovers. (Cue schmaltzy 70s music...) Listen to Bill Hemmer and General Jack Keane acknowledge that John Bolton and Donnie Boy are completely at odds about Kim Jong-un playing War Games over there on the Korean Peninsula. In their desperate compulsion to please all these alpha males, they simply declare EVERYONE has a great point, here! It would be hilarious if it didn't mean in reality that:

1. Our National Security Advisor is a power-hungry war-monger,
2. Our president is a clueless a$$-licking suck-up fascist who's totally cool with Jong-un launching missiles within range of our allies, and
3. The people who elected him only get their news from these programs whose sole purpose is to please the Racist-In-Chief.

HEMMER: The president saying he didn't think the short range missile launch was a violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions. There is disagreement on that, however. General Jack Keane, good morning to you and a memorial day weekend as well. Nice to see you. Could they both be right? Because John Bolton said this over the weekend: "The U.N. Security Council resolution prohibits the launch of any ballistic missiles and there is no doubt that North Korea has violated the resolution." Could they both be right? Meaning, Bolton says they're wrong for doing it. The president says he is not bothered by it. What do you think, General?

KEANE: Clearly it is a violation of U.N. Resolution. I think I agree with Prime Minister Abe, who president Trump has been visiting. That he has a lot of concern about it because Japan is in range of those missiles. I also agree with the president this is a negotiating ploy by Kim Jong-un. He started it weeks ago, Bill, when he fired this anti-tank missile. A new missile and he has firing rockets and missiles with increasing range every week for weeks. Why is he doing that? He came out of the Hanoi summit with no sanction relief, which was his objective of the summit. And he has been trying to gain leverage ever since. He wants a summit again with President Trump. That's what's really going on here. Interesting enough, though, Bill, our people have been reaching out to Kim Jong-un's people and they don't want to negotiate at a lower level. They want to negotiate with heads of states again at another summit.

HEMMER: As you point out the president sees this strictly on a relationship basis, General. It's Chairman Kim and Donald Trump.

KEANE: No doubt about that. He has always put a significant amount of faith in personal diplomacy. You can see that in dealing with Kim Jong-un and you can see that in dealing with President Xi and certainly dealing with Putin as well. He thinks personal diplomacy, in the end, can achieve things possibly with adversaries that have through diplomatic means that heretofore haven't been achievable. That's kind of where he is coming from.

Hemmer asks, Who's right? Trump or Bolton? And Keane answers, "Abe! He's a little concerned!" PM Abe is the one who's in line of all those damn missiles, is he not? And remember, Hemmer can't even contemplate the possibility that one or both of them can be WRONG. So, naturally, his question is, "Can they BOTH be RIGHT?" Well, no. Not in this case, Bill.

But the winning phraseology goes to General Keane, who said of Trump's negotiating style, "He thinks personal diplomacy, in the end, can achieve things possibly with adversaries that have through diplomatic means that heretofore haven't been achievable."

Oh, we're getting personal diplomacy in the end, alright.

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