GOP-Led Senate Intel Committee Subpoenas Donald Trump, Jr.

Donald Trump Jr. never expected a Republican led committee to be the one to issue a subpoena for his testimony

In a bit of a twist, Axios is reporting that the Senate Intelligence Committee has issued a subpoena for Donald Trump Jr. to return and testify again.

It appears that they are now at a "standoff". CNN is reporting that Donald Trump Jr. is weighing his options in response to the subpoena, and none are good. He can invoke his Fifth Amendment rights or just not appear at all.

Some interesting developments came to light that seemed to have flown under the radar. Donald Trump Jr was providing testimony to the committee weeks ago, even before the Mueller report came out. Trump Jr's team had tried to prevent him from giving testimony since they did not know what the Mueller report would say. Once the Mueller report came out, Trump Jr felt emboldened (some would say he was "cocky"), after Mueller did not "establish" that there was a conspiracy between Russians and the Trump team.

The summons is interesting because not only did it come from a Republican-led committee, but it is the first subpoena of one of Trump's children. It also means that although Donald Trump has declared "TOTAL EXONERATION," it appears that may not be the case.

A spokesperson from the Senate Intelligence Committee spokesperson told Axios:

"We do not discuss the details of witness engagements with the Committee. Throughout the investigation, the Committee has reserved the right to recall witnesses for additional testimony as needed, as every witness and witness counsel has been made aware."

Let's see what Don Jr. does now. Remember, he is the *dumb* one.

Editor's note: It is fair to wonder if Senator Burr is on the up-and-up with this, given that he was passing information to the White House as documented in the Mueller report.

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