GOP Rep Breaks With Party: Trump Has Committed Impeachable Offenses

Michigan Congressman Justin Amash calls for Trump's impeachment. Bet you didn't see that coming.

Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) finally broke with other Republicans Omertà code of silence on Trump's, and now Barr's, apparent lawless behavior. Amash also went further than some Democrats, in calling for Trump's impeachment.

Source: CNN

Michigan GOP Rep. Justin Amash said Saturday he had concluded President Donald Trump committed "impeachable conduct" and accused Attorney General William Barr of intentionally misleading the public.

Amash's comments recommending Congress pursue obstruction of justice charges against Trump were the first instance of a sitting Republican in Congress calling for Trump's impeachment.

Amash is a rare GOP critic of Trump and previously said Trump's conduct in pressuring then-FBI Director James Comey could merit impeachment. In a Twitter thread on Saturday, Amash said he believed "few members of Congress even read" special counsel Robert Mueller's report and that the report itself established "multiple examples" of Trump committing obstruction of justice.

"Contrary to Barr's portrayal, Mueller's report reveals that President Trump engaged in specific actions and a pattern of behavior that meet the threshold for impeachment," Amash said in a string of messages on Twitter.

There are over a dozen tweets in all about why he came to this conclusion and felt it was necessary to speak out, when no on else in his party has. S.E. Cupp read them all out on her CNN show tonight.

The reviews from mostly liberals and a few 'Never Trump' people were uniformly positive, naturally.

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