It's All So Familiar: U.S. Building Up To Armed Conflict With Iran

The State Department has ordered non-essential staff to leave Iraq as tensions grow with Iran.

Why, it's as if I'd fallen asleep and woke up back in 2002!

State Department orders non-essential staff to leave Iraq amid escalating tensions with Iran

U.S. Military Says It's on 'High Level of Alert' with Iran, Contradicting Its Own Coalition

Skeptical U.S. Allies Resist Trump’s New Claims of Threats From Iran

British General Contradicts U.S. Claim of Increased Threat From Iran-Backed Militias

Pentagon disputes British general’s assessment on Iranian threat

Key Commander in ISIS Fight Sees No Increased Threat from Iran-Backed Troops

Remember when George Tenet, head of the CIA, did his National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, and Congress used it as the basis for supporting the war?

And then, after the war was underway, the Senate Intelligence Committee found the key findings were either exaggerated or unsupported by the actual evidence?

The only thing that will stop this is a massive public outcry. Pick up the phone today and call your elected officials. Tell their staffers you are absolutely opposed to a replay of the disastrous Iraq war and you will be certain to vote against anyone who accepts this flimsy rationale for another war.

(202) 224-3121
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