No, Donald, The Courts Cannot Stop Your Impeachment

Elie Honig explains that Trump thinks the courts are his "Get Out Of Trouble Free" card. Sorry, Donnie, that's not how it works.

Where is Inigo Montoya when you need him? Trump keeps saying he thinks he can't be impeached, and today his word vomit included the claim that the courts wouldn't allow it, but it's so clear he has no idea what the hell he's talking about. He thinks the Attorney General is the Mommy whose skirt he can hide behind when he gets into trouble, and he thinks the Supreme Court stamps his "Frequent Felony" card. When he's on his eleventh Felony, he gets that one for free. Or, as Elie Honig put it today on CNN, Trump thinks the Supreme Court is his own personal "Get Out Of Trouble Free" Card.

Kate Bolduan spent her entire hour on CNN today debunking all the lies in Trump's stupid press gaggle, and god love 'em all for hanging in there, I guess, but that meant her fact-checking his 17 minutes of bullsh*t took away from being able to inform us of other news. You know, like life-destroying tornadoes, climate change, families still being forced apart at the border, the inhumane assault on women's reproductive rights, the fact that Black people are harassed by cops simply for doing their jobs...things like that. But because so many Americans chose racism over a prepared, intelligent woman for president, here we are.

BOLDUAN: I want to bring back in Elie Honig. I want you to put a fine point on this. The president also said in speaking about this that he didn't see how he could be impeached because he didn't think the courts would allow it. Courts have nothing to do with impeachment.

HONIG: It's completely nonsensical. The courts, the Supreme Court have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with impeachment. The only slight connection, almost a piece of trivia, is if there is a trial in the Senate, it's presided over by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. But that's more of a ceremonial thing than anything else. There's no way if Donald Trump gets impeached he can appeal to the Supreme Court, ask the Supreme Court to stop it or block it, but the president has talked about the Supreme Court in this way before. He seems to think it's this all purpose get out of jail or get out of trouble free card, and it is simply not.

As the great Inigo Montoya would say, "I do not think it means what you think it means."

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