Rashida Tlaib: 'The Traditional Congressional Oversight Process Isn't Working.'
The freshman congressperson reminds Chuck Todd that despite his fetish for political horse race coverage, impeachment is not about the 2020 election, but what's good for the country.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that the longer one is in office, the less likely one is compelled to take strong stances. The status quo is comfortable and reassuring.
So thank goodness for freshman congresspeople like Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), who have not settled into complacency and can speak precisely to why she and the rest of the Blue Wave were elected in 2018. So when Chuck Todd takes the Beltway media line that congressional oversight is somehow overreach and that this is no different from the partisan political tactics that saw Bill Clinton impeached, Tlaib easily redirects the framing to the correct one: This is about the good of the country.
This is going to be a precedent that we set when we don't hold this president accountable to the rule of law and to the United States Constitution. Just look at the fact that currently over a number of abuses of power but the public's trust is at stake.
And we can't sit back idly and think that we can just pass health care reform and all of these issues, which are critically important, but at the same time, you have an administration that's not providing the information, not following through on subpoenas. It goes hand in hand.
And I think we need to stop separating the fact that we're trying to change people's lives for the better but we have an administration that continues to violate the United States constitution. Did you know, Chuck -- I mean he has not complied with the United States Constitution when he took the oath of office by divesting in his businesses. So we have an upgraded version of pay-to-play. So, when I'm on the ground right now in my district fighting against the T-Mobile and Sprint merger, T-Mobile is turning around, spending $195,000 at the Trump Hotel in D.C. as again, an upgraded version of pay-to-play to get access to the most powerful corridor to power in our country, the president's office. And so for me, to fight back against big pharma, for many of my colleagues that came there to pass really important reforms that are needed, we can't do it when the president of the United States continues to lie to the American people and continue to not follow through on subpoenas and give us the information that we need.