Rep. Pascrell Predicts Trump's Tax Returns Will Drain His Support
"When you don't pay your taxes, somebody else has to pay more," the New Jersey congressman pointed out.
Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr. was on Morning Joe today to talk about his committee's fight to get Trump's tax returns
Jonathan Lemire pointed out that the White House has known shown no inclination to cooperate with any request for Trump's taxes. "If they ignore the subpoena, what happens next?"
Rep. Pascrell spelled out the items in tax code that give the House Ways and Means committee the authority to access the returns, under penalty of fines and jail.
"I believe if there's an issue out there that's going to break down the great numbers of people who follow Mr. Trump, his base, it is this issue. Because what this issue is going to show is the fact that the president didn't pay his taxes. And when you don't pay your taxes, somebody else has to pay more. And if it's not fair, and he's bullied his way to the position, I think those people are going to say 'we've been had.' "
"You mentioned jail. Who is going to jail? The Treasury secretary?
"I'm think they go have to look at 7214 to make sure they understand what happens if they don't hand over. And this may wind up in a court. But the law is on our side, very clear, very succinct, the language is, and I'm very proud to stand behind those two pieces in the tax code," Pascrell said.
"My two points, congressman," Steve Rattner said. "First, as the president likes to say, he got elected without releasing his tax returns, and he views that as the verdict of the American people on whether they care about his tax returns. I agree if if they get released, they'll show that he paid no taxes."
But he said they're relying on the Trump Justice Department being asked to go after the Trump Treasury department "and I personally would be a little skeptical that Trump would ever allow his Justice department --"
"Well, that puts us deeper into the crisis then," Pascrell said. "If we don't follow the law and do not carry out what the law says. So then maybe Mr. Trump wants in his mind, us to have a battle into the street over whether the law should be followed or not. Heaven forbid if that happens. But he talked about this at one time. I don't put anything past him.
"He's not the king, he's the president, duly elected. And he has to stand and follow the law like you do, and like every one of his base have to. And when they find out what's in his tax returns, I can assure you, it's not going to be very pleasant.
"And I can't wait for that day."