Representation Matters: Women On Campaign Trail

Women candidates mean a whole new world for political conversation. Good news.

Issues regarding motherhood, children, and families are moving to the front burner of political conversation because women are again running for president.

On Sunday Night's KasieDC, Kirsten Gillibrand discussed breastfeeding with a lactation specialist on the campaign trail. (above)

(I would take issue with Gillibrand's use of the term "lucky" to describe her flexibility to keep breastfeeding. It's "privilege." But she's walking the talk on family leave so yes.)

Amy Klobuchar retweets March for Our Lives to put a child's face on gun legislation:

Elizabeth Warren is using the testimony of mothers of young children to highlight her signature issue on student loan forgiveness.

And Kamala Harris tweets about mentorhood and representation:

It's a different world now.

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