Republicans Hate Women: Alabama Edition

Women are so very, very tired. If men could get pregnant, you could get an abortion at Starbucks.

Republicans play extra dirty in the South, don't they?

They tried to ram through — by voice vote — removal of the rape and incest exception to a proposed law criminalizing abortion, without even making the proper motion. According to AL.com,

The Senate abruptly removed a rape and incest exception from the bill without allowing a roll call vote on that decision.
Singleton and other Democratic senators strongly objected to Lt. Gov. Will Ainsworth, who presides over the Senate, for his quick gavel on tabling the rape and incest amendment on a voice vote, meaning there is no recorded vote.

The penalty for doctors under this legislation? Up to 99 years in prison. Welcome to unwanted or unplanned pregnancy in Alabama. Increasingly, welcome to womanhood in America. For the moment, in the Alabama Senate, the motion to remove the rape and incest exception did not pass and was tabled, as was a vote on the bill. However, as Chris Hayes, pointed out, the bill will be back, and passed when Republicans decide to actually follow the rules of order.

HAYES: This comes the same week that Georgia became the fourth state in 2019 alone to pass a week six-week abortion ban. Keep in mind that many women don't even know they are pregnant yet at six weeks. And because of language about so-called "personhood" of the embryo, the Georgia law could also make women criminally liable for things like going out of state to have an abortion in a state in which it's not banned, or for having a miscarriage. Meanwhile, in Ohio, Republicans are pushing legislation to ban abortion coverage from private insurance which could restrict access to some contraception as well, and the bill's main sponsor explained that women with ectopic pregnancies, a potentially life-threatening condition, would have to have the pregnancy re-implanted in the uterus, a procedure that does not exist.

(State Rep. John Becker, R-Ohio): Part of that treatment would be removing the embryo from the fallopian tube and then reinserting it in the uterus. So, that's defined as NOT an abortion under this bill.

HAYES: Again, that is not a real medical procedure. Now, all of this is legislation is, of course, unconstitutional flatly, under both current law and Supreme Court precedent. But the whole point of this is onslaught is now with Brett Kavanaugh sitting on the Court where Anthony Kennedy once sat, they can overturn that precedent. Alabama folks are clear on this, the bill's sponsor telling The Washington Post, "Its purpose is to spark litigation that would force the conservative majority on the U.S. Supreme Court to reconsider Roe v. Wade..." and we return to the argument that overturning Roe and criminalizing abortion is the cement holding together Donald Trump's entire collision.

Did you all catch that? Some f*ckwad in Ohio who has probably never gotten within pole-vaulting length of a vagina thinks a viable alternative to ectopic pregnancy is just, ya know, as easy as removing the embryo from her fallopian tube *FWOOOP* and inserting it into her uterus *PLINK* and VOILA! No abortion! You know how you play with your straw? When it's in your drink and you put your finger on top of the hole and lift the whole straw up out of the drink and the soda MAGICALLY STAYS IN THE STRAW and then you put the straw into an empty glass and lift your finger off the hole and *ZZSSHHHOOOOOP* all the soda comes out of the straw into the empty glass? It's probably something like that, right? NO PROBLEMO.

Jesus Christ on a f*cking square-wheeled bicycle, I am so goddamned tired.

Frankly, I'm with Mr. Weeks. God broke your dick for a reason.

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