Sarah Sanders Whines 'It's Lunacy' To Think Trump Would Work With Dems

"So far what we've seen from the Democrats in Congress, Alisyn, is that they are incapable of doing anything other than investigating this president," the press secretary said.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders came out of her cave long enough to obfuscate and spin about Trump's Rose Garden rant yesterday. CNN's Alysin Camerota tried like hell to pin her down, but it's hard to get a firm grip on such a slippery spokesperson.

First she accused the Dems of not accomplishing anything while they've been in power.

"From January 3rd to present, which is not that long, the House has passed 248 bills. The Senate has passed 161, a total of 379. That's not nothing," Camerota said.

"Yeah, tell me what significant pieces of legislation that they have passed that are going to change the course of the country," Sanders sniped. "Look, there are a lot of big problems that our country is facing, the president is willing to take administrative action to fix some of those, Congress is unwilling to do their part," Sanders said. (You can pretty much assume if her lips are moving, she's lying.)

"They know that we have a national security and humanitarian crisis on the border, at least they're finally admitting that, yet they still haven't done anything to help address it. They know that we have a major humanitarian crisis there. The administration requested money just two weeks ago and they have yet to even respond to help provide additional funding."

"Sarah, hold on, let me just get a couple things in there. As you know, they are interested in a deal for Dreamers, that's one of the things that they are interested in talking to the president about. At one time he was interested in that as well. They want something comprehensive. Before we get to that --

"I just want to say it's the president who is saying that he can't do infrastructure while he's being investigated. He is the one who walked out of the meeting," Camerota said. "So just so that we're clear, he's saying that bridges are not going to be fixed until he's no longer investigated, is that what we hear from the White House?"

"So far what we've seen from the Democrats in Congress, Alisyn, is that they are incapable of doing anything other than investigating this president. They spend all of their time attacking him and the fact that they would have a meeting an hour before they are set to arrive at the White House where Nancy Pelosi literally accuses the president of a crime and then wants to walk into his office and sit down as if nothing happened, that's just -- that's lunacy. That's not even in the realm of possibility.

"The president absolutely wants to get infrastructure done, he wants to secure our border, he wants to do things that help our veterans, he wants to improve our education system, he wants to do all of those things but Democrats have been unwilling to work with him. We've laid out a number of plans. You say that the Democrats want to fix the thing with Dreamers. They've done nothing. They have literally done nothing. We've put forward plan after plan, proposal after plan -- "

"Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer said they had a deal and it fell apart because of the president."

"That's not true. They didn't have a deal that fell apart because of the president. They had something that we had agreed to but it fell apart because of the court system, it had nothing to do with the president. It had to do with the fact that the previous president took an illegal action and courts have ruled and that changed the entire way that the process worked."


You know, I really wasn't sure if Nancy Pelosi was doing the right thing by delaying impeachment, but today I am a believer. CLEARLY, Trump & Co. have laid out an entire strategy to present him as the hard-working victim of Pelosi and the Democrats, and they're rolling it out despite the fact that he's not yet under impeachment.

Which makes him look like a moron, even to his supporters. He will rant on and on about how he's just a victim, and how unfair the Democrats are, and how he wants SO MUCH to get things done, but those mean Democrats won't let him.

Madame Speaker, mission accomplished.

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