Pelosi Shuts Down Reporter Who Suggests She Coddle Man-Baby-In-Chief

Why on God's Green Earth should Nancy Pelosi temper her language to assuage Trump's temper tantrums, like reporter Kelly O'Donnell suggested?

Speaker Nancy Pelosi handled herself like the BOSS that she is in her press conference today, showing the world why she belongs in the House leadership chair once again. In describing what she and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer brought to the president yesterday — a bipartisan infrastructure proposal — she reminded everyone that such bills have never been partisan, and shouldn't be now. She threw in calm, devastating shade to the toddler-in-chief left and right.

"I can only think he wasn't up to the task of figuring out the difficult choices how to cover the cost of what the important infrastructure legislation, that we had talked about three weeks before."

"Another temper tantrum -- again -- I pray for the president of the United States. I wish him and his family, his administration and staff would have an intervention for the good of the country."

Then, when Speaker Pelosi called on MSNBC reporter Kelly O'Donnell to ask the first question, O'Donnell asked basically if Pelosi would consider being nicer to Trumpy-Bear so he wouldn't get his fee-fees hurt. Pelosi answered with the full Dragon power that destroyed King's Landing.

O'DONNELL: Madam speaker, would you be prepared to change your rhetoric given the landscape and the president's temperament, your prayer comment almost suggested concern for his well-being?

PELOSI: I am. And for the well-being of the United States of America.

O'DONNELL: Would you be prepared to do something different, maybe for the pragmatism of getting more done, to not use phrases like "cover-up" or perhaps not provoke him. Would you be open to that?

PELOSI: Well YOU have bought into his excuse -- that was not a REASON that he did that yesterday. That was an EXCUSE for him to do that. With respect to your question, I do not intend NOT to honor my oath of office, nor do my colleagues in the House of Representatives, to honor our oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution, which has a system of checks and balances, separation of power in it. And, again, there's the question of the American people understanding that what he is doing is in assault on the Constitution of the United States. We can walk and chew gum at the same time. I hope he can, too.

DAMN, WOMAN. Keep up the great work. She's giving the press the tools they need to explain to the American people that he is indeed assaulting the Constitution, and that they SHOULD care about checks and balances, and they SHOULD support impeachment when the time comes. And the time WILL come.

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