Adam Schiff Accuses Barr Of Acting As 'A Henchman' For Trump

Adam Schiff doesn't hold back about his feelings of Bill Barr's role in the Trump administration

Congressman Adam Schiff joined George Stephanopoulos on Sunday's This Week to discuss all the breaking news about Donald Trump, the possibility of impeachment and the Mueller investigation. At the end of the interview, Schiff had some pointed words about Bill Barr, especially in relation to his "investigate the investigators" mission.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Meantime the attorney general has made it pretty clear that he's going to continue this investigation of the investigation. Here he was earlier this week.


WILLIAM BARR, ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES: Sometimes people can convince themselves that what they're doing is in the higher interest, the better good, they don't realize what they're doing is really antithetical to the democratic system we have.


STEPHANOPOULOS: He hasn't reached a final judgment, but he's made it pretty clear he's suspicious something went very wrong at the start of this investigation.

SCHIFF: Well, ironically, of course, that statement you heard from Bill Barr is a perfect description of his own conduct. He's willing to cavalierly throw out terms like spying and pretend he doesn't know just how pejorative that term is. He is a smart man and understands exactly how incendiary what his allegation is, and it's designed to be. That's why he is, I think, falling into such legitimate criticism for acting as effectively a henchman of the president.

You don't talk cavalierly about intelligence agencies or the FBI spying on presidential campaigns. And given how much he mislead the country about Mueller's own report and findings, we can sadly expect that given this power to declassify information now, he will do in a selective way designed to mislead the country and the president's service. And there may be no opportunity for rebuttal this time. There will be no further Mueller report that will set straight this selective declassification that he may put into effect and the fact that he will say -- he doesn't want to speculate about what went on early in the investigation until he knows, but he's willing to speculate that it was spying, tells you all you need to know about how disingenuous he's being with the country.

I have said it before and I am going to say it again: Bill Barr is exponentially more dangerous than Donald Trump. Why? Because he is smart and devious and he knows how to twist words and actions to get to his desired outcome. Donald Trump just shoots from the hip. Barr knows how to work backwards from the ending and is genius enough to convince the entire FOX News Cult that he is a truthteller...when in reality he is just Trump's Personal Henchman.

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