'Compelling Evidence': George Conway Doubles Down By Tweet Trump's Alleged History Of Rapes
George Conway, husband to Trump aide Kellyanne Conway, on Sunday called the evidence "quite compelling" that Donald Trump raped or sexually mistreated multiple women.
George Conway, husband to Trump aide Kellyanne Conway, on Sunday called the evidence "quite compelling" that Donald Trump raped or sexually mistreated multiple women.
In a series of tweets on Saturday, U.S. House candidate Brianna Wu tweeted about 23 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct.
THREAD: Here is a list of all the 22 women who have credibly accused Trump of rape and sexual misconduct. Please Retweet.
1. Jill Harth says she was groped and kissed in a bedroom at Mar-A-Lago. https://t.co/EfWBiOPFFs— Brianna Wu (@BriannaWu) June 22, 2019
On Sunday, George Conway retweeted each of Wu's tweets to highlight the 23 women.
Conway noted in a subsequent tweet: "Also, as a matter of (1) common sense and life experience, and (2) what we’ve all now seen for the last three years, what are the odds that: (1) all these women are lying? and (2) Donald Trump is lying?"
"No one expects their presidents to be angels. But this pattern of conduct is further evidence of this president’s sociopathy," he wrote, adding, "Quite compelling evidence, I should say."
Also, as a matter of (1) common sense and life experience, and (2) what we’ve all now seen for the last three years, what are the odds that:
(1) all these women are lying?
(2) Donald Trump is lying?— George Conway (@gtconway3d) June 23, 2019
No one expects their presidents to be angels. But this pattern of conduct is further evidence of this president’s sociopathy.
— George Conway (@gtconway3d) June 23, 2019
No one expects their presidents to be angels. But this pattern of conduct is further evidence of this president’s sociopathy.
— George Conway (@gtconway3d) June 23, 2019
Conway's tweets come a day after The Washington Post published an op-ed by the prominent lawyer.
Conway argued that Republicans who accused Bill Clinton of rape shouldn't be silent while Trump is accused of the same.
"Republicans or conservatives who promoted [Juanita] Broaddrick’s charges would be hypocritical if they fail to champion [E. Jean] Carroll and condemn Trump," he insisted.