Cracker Barrel Cancels Homophobic Pastor's Event

Grayson Fritts, who has called for the execution of gay people, is unwelcome... even at Cracker Barrel.

Imagine being so odious and vile even notoriously racist and homophobic Cracker Barrel won't host your events!

Well, that's the situation in which Pastor Grayson Fritts finds himself.

Fritts and his All Scripture Baptist Church has called for the government to execute gay people. The church had planned an event at a Cracker Barrel in Tennessee, but the chairwoman of the state's Democratic Party, Mary Mancini, wrote the CEO of Cracker Barrel a letter objecting.

Cracker Barrel said it disagrees with their statements of hate and divisiveness and the June 29 event won't be allowed at the restaurant. "We serve everyone who walks through our doors with genuine hospitality, not hate, and require all guests to do the same," Tennessee-based Cracker Barrel said in its tweeted statement.

I'm sure this will be news to Ijeoma Oluo, who is committed the egregious crime of eating while Black at a Cracker Barrel and joking about it on Twitter in 2017. She was assaulted for three days on Twitter and Facebook with racial slurs, threats of rape and murder, then banned from Facebook for sharing screenshots of the abuse. The story gained national attention, and Cracker Barrel some nasty publicity, not to mention status as Exhibit A of how Facebook silences Black women for calling out racism in white people. And Facebook did end up apologizing to her for suspending her account.

But, hey. If Cracker Barrel is turning a corner and beginning to see the light? Power to them.

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