Donald Trump Admits Knowledge Of The FBI Investigation Before Election Would Have Killed His Chances

He does realize that this makes all his "Deep State" whining an irrelevant lie, right?

I often wonder how Trump supporters can watch his interviews and not realize how very guilty he is. There is zero doubt why his attorneys refused to let him be deposed by Robert Mueller. He is incapable of not indicting himself of lawlessness when questioned.

George Stephanopoulos' interview of Donald Trump, which aired today on This Week, was reportedly the highlights of more than 30 hours of questioning. Who knows what matter of law-breaking he inadvertently admitted to that ended up on the cutting room floor?

The question for me is whether Donald Trump is too stupid to realize that he undercuts his own grievance politics whenever he opens his mouth, or if he just knows that his base don't have the critical thinking skills to figure out that he's constantly contradicting and indicting himself.

Because his entire kvetching over a "Deep State" out to get him and prevent him from becoming president is obliterated by his acknowledgment that if the FBI investigation into him was publicly known before the election, it would have killed his electoral chances.

"Had that gone out before the election, I -- I don't think I could've -- I don't think I would've had enough time to defend myself --"

So all these powerful "Deep State" actors did nothing because...?

And then, to point another fat little finger at someone, anyone other than him, Trump decides to rope President Barack Obama into his fevered conspiracy..

STEPHANOPOULOS: You clearly believe there was a group of people working against you. Do you think President Obama was behind it?

TRUMP: I would say that he certainly must have known about it because it went very high up in the chain. But you're gonna find that out. I'm not gonna make that statement quite yet. But I would say that President Obama had to know about it.

First, screw Stephanopoulos for even suggesting this, absent any evidence, that's highly irresponsible for a news department to do. But again, when will his base actually put it together that if all these powerful people were actually actively trying to prevent him from the presidency, they did absolutely nothing about it prior to the election?

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