Fox & Friends Shocked Buttigieg Called Trump's Nicknames ‘Really Mean’
Because of course these juvenile delinquents with three hours of morning to fill think Trump's nicknames are grrrreat!
According to the Fox & Friends Trump Cheerleading Squad, not only are Donald Trump’s juvenile nicknames funny, how dare Pete Buttigieg call them “mean?”
Fox & Friends cohost Brian Kilmeade sounded quite put out that Democratic presidential candidate Buttigieg called Trump’s name calling “really mean” and claiming, “If we do things his way, I think we’re going to lose. So we have to change the whole game.”
“Listen to what he tells the kid about the sitting president,” Kilmeade said huffily, before playing a clip of Buttigieg talking to a boy about Trump.
If only Buttigieg had questioned whether Trump was born in the U.S., he’d be a hero to the Curvy Couch, eh?
Cohost Ainsley Earhardt laughed derisively. “He’s not going to do what the president’s doing by calling him names,” she sneered.
“Right. But I’ll call him ‘mean.’” Kilmeade added.
Then the Trump Friends started gushing over Dear Leader's nicknames.
“From the minute he got in the race, he never trailed,” Kilmeade said admiringly about Trump.
“Even the mayor of London!” Earhardt chimed in. She repeated Trump’s recent attack with appreciation.
Kilmeade moved on to say he’s “just wondering” whether Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden “might be making a mistake” by not emulating Trump and attacking the rest of the field with nicknames.
Because, yeah, I’m sure Biden and all the rest of the Democrats think Kilmeade’s suggestion is out of the goodness of his heart and not out of any malicious wish for Democrats to start attacking each other.
Watch it above, from the June 4, 2019 Fox & Friends.
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