Fox's Jeanine Pirro Attacks Republicans For Voting With Democrats On DACA Protection Bill

Trump cheerleader Jeanine Pirro is very upset with the Republicans that dared to cross Dear Leader and vote with the Democrats to protect the Dreamers.

Here's what happens to anyone that dares to cross Dear Leader over on Trump-TV.

The House of Representatives passed a bill to protect the Dreamers earlier this week with the help of seven Republicans: House Passes DACA Protection Bill, But Senate Republicans Will Kill It:

The Democrat-led House passed legislation on Tuesday to grant a path to citizenship to about 2.5 million immigrants whose legal protections President Trump has moved to end, advancing a measure that highlights the bitter partisan differences over immigration.

The bill, which passed 237 to 187, with seven Republicans voting yes, would create a new legal pathway for young undocumented immigrants brought to the United States illegally as children, known as Dreamers, and for those with Temporary Protected Status, granted to immigrants whose countries are ravaged by natural disaster or violence. It is almost certain to die in the Republican-led Senate, where there is no appetite to challenge Mr. Trump on his signature issue and the majority regards it as amnesty for people who have broken the law.

The White House said on Monday that Mr. Trump would veto the measure. But as the vote tally hit 218, representing a majority for passage, scores of Dreamers seated in the House gallery rose to their feet and cheered loudly, chanting, “Si se puede!” and then the English translation, “Yes we can!” It was evidence of the national grass-roots movement they have built over more than a decade to push for permanent legal status.

The Democrats’ immigration measure was notable both for what it did and for what it did not do. It was a grant of legal status for a narrow group of immigrants, not a comprehensive measure to overhaul what lawmakers in both parties concede is a badly broken immigration system and to deal with the 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States. Such a measure passed the Senate in 2013 only to die in a Republican-controlled House.

Which, of course, had Trump booster Jeanine Pirro's hair on fire this Saturday: Fox News' Jeanine Pirro Calls For Congress to be Fired For Opposing Trump on Immigration: 'Are You Stupid and Blind?':

Pirro's opening statement on Saturday's Justice with Judge Jeanine addressed Trump's latest deal with Mexico, announced by the State Department on Friday night, to "curb illegal immigration at our southern border," before delving into a long rebuke of Congress.

"It's a big win for the president," Pirro said. "Congress would rather deny him a win on immigration and let the problem continue to proliferate, no matter the harm to the American people. Even his own party fails him yet again."

Senate Republicans on Tuesday declared opposition to Trump's threat to impose tariffs on all goods entering American from Mexico. Hours after the president said that Capitol Hill would be "foolish" to try and block the move, GOP members issued a sharp message to the Trump administration, warning them that they were almost unanimously opposed to the move.

"Congress continues to fail us," Pirro continued. "Not only blocking the president's efforts but actually passing a bill this week that would give two and a half million Dreamers amnesty, a signal to illegals that not only will they let you in and pay for food, housing, education, medical and travel, but sooner or later they'll give you amnesty after they release you into the interior proving yet another incentive for illegals to cross."

Yet the House of Representatives "does nothing to address the crisis of the border and the bill does nothing to secure the border or enforce our laws. The president had even offered a bill that did both. But no one in Congress was interested," the Fox News host added.

Pirro then named and shamed all the Republicans who supported the Democrats efforts, which "provided no resolution to the crisis at the border."

"Don Bacon (R-NE), Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL), Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Will Hurd (R-TX), Dan Newhouse (R-WA), Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Fred Upton (R-MI)," she said, as their names and photos were aired under the title "Republicans Who Voted For Amnesty Bill."

"Congress ought to be fired for forcing this president to negotiate with a foreign power to solve a national immigration crisis that our own government won't solve, either because it's a 'manufactured crisis' — are you stupid and blind?," Pirro continued. "Or do you hate the president so much you'd rather we Americans suffer the burden of the children of illegals into our already too-small classrooms."

Pirro went on to reiterate her calls for all of Congress to be dismissed, before ending the segment by praising Trump.

Heaven forbid anyone in the Republican party cooperates with the other side, or does anything which doesn't conform to their fearmongering and race baiting on immigration.

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