How Judicial Watch Is Setting Up Trump's Dangerous Cover Story For 2020

They are laying groundwork for Trump's claim of "millions" of illegal voters in California.

Tom Fitton has influence over the president* of the United States, and that should worry us all.

Tom Fitton is the president of Judicial Watch, which was rated by Media Bias/Fact Check as "questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of conspiracy theories and a very poor fact check record." (And that's putting it mildly.) You've probably seen clips of his attacks on the Mueller investigation.

Judicial Watch, a gadfly group that files endless FOIA lawsuits, was founded and funded in 1994 as part of, yes, the actual Vast Right Wing Conspiracy to go after Bill and Hillary Clinton. They are a 501(c)3 non-profit, and if this were a normal time, I'd be pushing to have them investigated by the IRS. But as we know, the right-wing attack on the IRS claiming conservative groups were being "targeted" took care of that enforcement tool. (Any idiot could tell that Tea Party groups were being used on behalf of the Republican party.)

Judicial Watch highlights their Election Integrity Project, which pushes to maintain accurate voting rolls. The purpose of this plan was never to fix the voting rolls, because there was never a meaningful problem. No, the purpose is to give Donald Trump an excuse to claim victory in 2020 -- no matter what the outcome. (And we've seen what happens when presidential elections go to the Supreme Court.)

I follow Judicial Watch on Twitter and often comment on their crazy claims -- not because I think they'll ever change, but to perhaps plant a seed of doubt in any of their followers who are reading me. (Usually, I just get a lot of heated attacks from the wingnuts, but you never know.)

They are a dangerous group and not "impartial" by any measure. They are a powerful propaganda arm of the fringiest regions of the right wing, and a reliable source for all that crazy conspiracy stuff your brother-in-law swears is true.

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