John Dean Destroys Matt Gaetz' Ridiculous Questions

"Actually, Nixon DID have a health care plan..." will be the quote of the Judiciary Hearing from today. Mark my words.

Matt Gaetz made a total ass of himself in front of an historically iconic figure today, but it's just another Monday in Washington, D.C. This time, Gaetz had the chance to ask former Nixon aide and legal counsel, John Dean, to help put the events of this presidency into the context of Watergate and the obstruction of justice committed by the president he served. Of course, Gaetz chose to turn his five minutes into a series of attempted personal attacks on John Dean, which backfired spectacularly. In fact, Gaetz's questions were so patently absurd that not only did John Dean have to stifle laughter, the people in the chamber observing couldn't hold BACK their laughter.

This happened several times, like when he tried to make it seem like Dean had done something wrong by comparing our two most criminal presidents since Nixon to, well...Nixon. Gaetz pursued a ridiculous line of questioning asking him how much money he made for each thing he did until Chairman Nadler cut him off, and then Dean cut him down to size by saying, "Mr. Gaetz, I appreciate you were not born at the time this all happened. It's not by choice that I've done a lot of this. It's that I've been dragged into it."

That was the first big laugh from the crowd...little Baby Gaetz is so in over his little head he does not know who he's dealing with. If he did, maybe he would not have teed up this next softball for Dean to absolutely hit out of the park.

GAETZ: Let's speak now, to the truth or falsity of statements. Do you have personal knowledge about the truth or falsity regarding a single material fact in the Mueller report?

DEAN: I think if you recall, the first thing I said I'm not here as a fact witness.

GAETZ: You're here to provide historical context.

DEAN: Exactly.

GAETZ: And throughout history, you accuse presidents of acting like Richard Nixon and you make money off of it, right?

DEAN: Not all presidents, no. Those who do act like him, I point it out.

GAETZ: Let me ask you this question, how do Democrats plan to pay for Medicare for All?

DEAN: I'm sorry?

GAETZ: Well, I figured if we were gonna ask you about stuff you don't know about, we would start with the big stuff, so do you know how they plan to pay for Medicare for All?

DEAN: Who? The Democrats? Or, which candidate? Or can you be more specific?

GAETZ: Let's get specific to Nixon, since that appears to be why you're here.

DEAN: Well, actually, Nixon DID have a health care plan...

Oh, dear. That was absolutely brutal. John Dean brought down the house with that one. Gaetz attempted to recover by asking Dean if they lit candles and brought in a ouija board, would that resurrect the Spirit of Nixon, but it was too late. Dean just deadpanned, "" and the audience lost it again.

Give it up, Gaetz. You are so ridiculously outmatched.

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