Kellyanne Conway's Whining Over Hatch Act Is Now Absurdity
Democrats are trying to "silence" her by asking her to testify.
I can only surmise that Kellyanne Conway is seeking a place in the history books as "most absurd person not named Trump in the worst White House in US History."
This morning she hopped on to the Fox and Friends Propaganda Express to tell them that "Democrats are trying to silence me!" inviting her to testify.
This is blatant neener neener "I'm above the law and you can't stop me" behavior. The obvious solution is for her to flop over to the Trump 2020 campaign where none of her political statements would be illegal.
I have to assume she likes the taxpayer-funded BENEFITS she gets as a White House employee, and that Trump needs her to be the political attack dog at the same time.
Congratulations Kellyanne. You'll be in the index of high school history books under "worst" for many decades to come.