Shocker: Laura Ingraham Calls What Trump Said 'Fake News'

Laura Ingraham says her interview with Trump did not delay the D-Day Ceremony, contradicting what Trump himself said.

A bit of a conundrum this.

To believe what the videotape looked like it looked like, and what Trump actually said in his interview with Ingraham. Or the official version that it was actually French President Emmanuel Macron who held things up? That Trump was mistaken or just lying because that it was pathological liars do. Questions, questions...

Source: Vox News

Laura Ingraham’s interview from Normandy with President Donald Trump — one in which the graves of Allied service members were used as a backdrop for Trump to trash Democratic congressional leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer — illustrated the extreme lengths Fox News is willing to go to protect the president.

Immediately after the interview aired on Thursday night, Ingraham advised her viewers to disbelieve something they just heard the president say.

“Some of you may have heard or read that President Trump supposedly held up the entire D-Day ceremony in order to do this interview with me,” Ingraham said. “That is patently false — fake news.”

The ceremony did indeed start late. Although a number of reporters initially pinned blame for that on Trump, it turned out the culprit was French President Emmanuel Macron, who was running even later than Trump. But Trump put it differently in the interview itself. He told Ingraham, for the world to see, that he was holding up the D-Day commemoration ceremony in order to finish talking with her.

h/t Timothy Burke who originally put this together.

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