Nancy Pelosi Tells Reporter Not To Waste Her Time With Mick Mulvaney

At today's presser, Speaker Pelosi once again must school a reporter on how to do his job. It's getting tiring.

Say what you want about Nancy Pelosi (and believe me, I know you will...I, like a moron, sometimes read the comments on my own posts...)** but no one handles reporters like she does. Today's media fail involved a reporter asking her a question about the debt ceiling and appropriations. He made the mistake, though, of framing it in terms of Mick Mulvaney's BS characterization of her remarks about how budget talks are going. BIG mistake, dude.

SPEAKER PELOSI: Do we have to waste time on Mick Mulvaney's mischaracterization of my remarks? I mean, I don't mean to interrupt you, but why do we preface a question to ME about Mick Mulvaney's mischaracterization of my remarks? We will NEVER, EVER question the full faith and credit of the United States of America. It's in the Constitution of the United States. Mulvaney's one of the people who shut down government because they didn't wanna lift the debt ceiling, and so he has NO credibility on this subject whatsoever. So, I shouldn't even be engaged in any conversation that has him mischaracterizing — we have NEVER said that we would not lift the...what we HAVE said, though, is that we will fight for meeting the needs of the American people....When the Republicans threatened to not lift the debt ceiling, as you may recall, a few years ago, just the threat of it — just the THREAT of it, because it was a very legitimate threat and people were scared, lowered the credit rating of the United States of America, and he was part of that. So, you know, please don't predicate the characterization of a question on that.

Listen, Nancy Pelosi is not here for your bullsh*t, reporters. Do your homework, and don't insult her. She has a long memory, and you need to exercise yours.

** The original version's parenthetical read, "(and believe me, I know you a moron, I sometimes read the comments...)" leading several commenters to think I was calling THEM morons instead of myself. (They won't see this. They've pledged never to read my sh*t again...) I was referring to MYSELF, though, as a strict rule of thumb is for writers to avoid the comments. But see, if I didn't read them, I wouldn't know when I screw up, now, would I? Maybe I'm NOT such a moron. Ha.

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