Is This Push-Polling? Trump Campaign Offers Ludicrous And Insulting Poll

Hey Mr. Random Person poking around Trump2020 campaign site: who do you trust more, the manly and very impressive Donald Trump or some radical socialist, low IQ Democrat?

Polling comes in many forms.

There's the standard old school polling, where random people are called on their land lines and their responses to various questions are weighted against assumed demographic breakdowns.

There's online polls, which are notoriously unreliable because responses can be "freeped" (a blogosphere 1.0 term, coined from Free Republic, which would send readers to swarm polls to sway the results). Reddit and 4chan are the inheritors of this tactic.

And now we see data gathering polls, based on social media use, where the individual respondents may not even be aware that their data is being culled (thanks, Facebook!).

Then there is push polling, an underhanded electoral tactic where a respondent thinks they are participating in a traditional poll, but the questions are framed in such a way as to plant smears in the mind of a potential voter. Karl Rove is a big fan of this tactic, famously setting up a push poll in which South Carolinians were asked right before the primary how would they feel to learn that John McCain had fathered an illegitimate black baby.

And then there is Donald Trump's version of push polling. Like everything else about him, it's stupid, insulting and patently obvious.

This came from the Official 2020 Trump/Pence website. Honest.

Ooof. Subtlety is not their forte, is it?

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