Sinclair Forcing Local Stations To Air What Is Basically A Trump 2020 Ad As 'News'

The only saving grace is it's hard to understand what Boris Epshteyn is saying.

Congratulations, America! Your local news owned by Sinclair Media is now hosting a "must run," editorial segment that is essentially an unapologetic ad for Trump 2020. Media Matters provides the transcript:

BORIS EPSHTEYN: Well, it’s official. President Trump has launched his 2020 reelection campaign. The energy behind President Trump and his “America First” movement is palpable, and if I’m a Democrat running in 2020, I am worried about my chances. That energy is quantifiable in the crowds that fill up massive stadiums. You see it on display when lines begin to form days in advance of Trump rallies. You see the energy in the unprecedented social media engagement for President Trump. You also see it in fundraising, where, according to reports, President Trump raised more in his first day running than any Democratic candidate did in their first three months.

Democrats have struggled to find a candidate who is able to hit these notes. Democratic candidates from Mayor Bill de Blasio to Sen. Kamala Harris and even the front-runner, former Vice President Joe Biden, are failing to fill crowds or garner supporter reactions. On the other hand, the sitting president is treated like a rock star by his base.

President Trump’s strategy is simple: Keep the energy and motivation high, focus on several key issues, and ride the wind of his accomplishments to reelection. Here’s the bottom line: The advantages of incumbency and a successful first term are on full display for President Trump so far this cycle. While Democrats struggle to differentiate from one another, President Trump is proving that the GOP’s amp goes up to 11.

This is blatant propaganda forced on viewers by Trump toadies who have bought up local stations specifically for this purpose. This kind of "must run" nonsense should be paid advertising and count as an in-kind contribution to Trump2020.

Sinclair's Trump propaganda isn't playing well with some long-time news anchors. From Cincinnati:

Expose Sinclair, one station at a time.

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