Trump International Hotel's Liquor License In Jeopardy

That's no "person of fine standing!" That's our president!

Emoluments Clause Central, er, Trump International Hotel, where grifters grease the palms of the Trump Crime Family, is in great peril! It seems that in D.C. in order to run an establishment with a liquor license, the licensee must be a person of fine standing.

Comrade Stupid is not that person!

“Washington’s Alcoholic Beverage Control Board opened the door this week to hearing a challenge to President Donald Trump’s liquor license at his Washington hotel over claims that he doesn’t meet the city’s “good character” requirements.“The board on Wednesday issued an order denying the Trump International Hotel’s motion to dismiss a “protest” from a group consisting of an attorney, two former judges and a handful of religious leaders who assert that Trump is not of “good character” and therefore should not be able to sell alcoholic beverages in Washington.“The group is citing a DC regulation that says a liquor license owner must be “of good character and generally fit for the responsibilities of licensure.” Trump, they say, remains an owner of the hotel, though he has handed over day to day management to his sons while in office.”

Now when it comes to lying, assaulting women, his assorted grifts, associating with known criminals, etc, Trump’s their man! They have a point!

“Joshua Levy, an attorney who is representing the group challenging the license renewal, told CNN on Friday that the board’s order is “a solid victory for the rule of law.”“Despite Trump’s efforts to silence the public and hold himself above the law, the board correctly denied his motion to dismiss and found that the public can ‘protest’ the owner’s character on renewal of their liquor license,” Levy said.”

Now, we are NOT saying that Prznint Stupid is running a floating craps game there (afterall, he bankrupted casinos in Atlantic City), but certainly every two-bit grifter who wants a deal with him shows up there, flashes a gang symbol (usually Benjamin), and before too long we hear that they beat the house odds. Ivanka just pocketed a cool four-five million Ameros for whatever it is that she does there, now imagine what Daddy makes.

It is a cliché that deals are made over drinks in every major city, and that the powerful are at best an amoral lot, and DC probably has more deals of major importance—global, even—than any other world HQ city. Will people still show up at the hotel to spend big bucks if there is no beverage service? How will the Trump Crime Family service the debt for this place?

You can read the full complaint here.

Reposted with permission from Mock Paper Scissors.

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