MUST WATCH: Devin Nunes Copies Sean Hannity, Word-for-Word, At Mueller Hearing

The Daily Show had this amusing and/or disgusting montage of Devin Nunes yesterday.

Vladimir Putin's new favorite congressman was in fine form yesterday, taking Sean Hannity's words and making them his own. But Nunes and Hannity have been in cahoots for awhile now. The Daily Show captured it all. Fresno must be so proud.

Source: Mediaite

The Daily Show has created a montage showing Hannity and Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA) in almost-perfect synchronicity when the House Intelligence ranking Republican grilled Mueller in yesterday’s hearing. As you can see, Nunes and Hannity were very much aligned when they spoke of how “Democrats colluded with Russia,” invoked the controversial Fusion GPS dossier and said the Russian collusion “conspiracy theory is dead.”

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