Does Epstein Have Anything On Trump?

It would be irresponsible not to speculate...

We’ve learned that the Trump Organization canceled “a golf tournament with strippers serving as caddies that was to be held at Trump’s golf resort near Miami.” The event would no longer take place because a children’s charity that was to benefit from it had pulled out. (see what I did there?) I read that the plan was to auction off the strippers to act as the players' caddies. “Gimme my wood, Amber!”

Incredibly bad timing from Grifters Inc., but is also shows incredibly bad judgment to consider holding such an event in the first place. I raise this current sexxxxytime scandal because it helps to illuminate a previous faux pas we're just learning about:

The NYTimes tells us that Jeffrey Epstein once arranged for more than two dozen women to be flown to Merde-a-Lardo for a calendar competition. The women were told that they would be attending a party with many people, but in the end, the only attendees were Epstein and future-Prnzint Horndog.

There’s a certain consistency in these stories; it’s not just the Access Hollywood grab-n-go aspect of it, it’s that sexist men like Trump and Epstein do not see women as real people with their own agency. I can only imagine this party of 2 men and 24 women was not just light-hearted fun and games. And I’m wagering some Quatloos that before this story is out of the news cycle that some of these women will come forward with details.

And if my theory of a Dead Man’s Switch is correct, it seems likely that this party might be part of the Epstein Insurance Plan. Prznint Grabber and his pal lures (underaged?) women to Merde-a-Lardo under false pretenses and who knows? If President Stupid starts talking about a pardon, I think we have confirmation.


Republished with permission from Mock Paper Scissors

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