Feds: Jeffrey Epstein Had Diamonds, Cash, Fake Passport In His Safe

Can you say "flight risk"?

You can see why Trump looked up to him. Via the Daily Beast:

FBI agents found “piles of cash,” dozens of diamonds and an expired foreign passport in Jeffrey Epstein’s when they raided his Manhattan mansion last week, prosecutors revealed Monday.

The passport was issued in the 1980s and gave a residence of Saudi Arabia, Assistant U.S. Attorney Alex Rossmiller said. It was not issued under Epstein’s name but did have what appeared to be a photo of him.

The safe’s contents were disclosed during a bail hearing at which prosecutors—and accusers—argued that Epstein is a flight risk and should be kept locked up until his sex-trafficking trial.

A federal probation office agreed Epstein should be detained, but U.S. District Judge Richard Berman said he hasn't decided and won’t announce a ruling until Thursday.

One of the things that came out during the hearing is that Epstein has $56 million in cash, which is of course not at all suspicious under the circumstances!

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