Fox And Friends Guest Claims ICE Protects Sex Trafficking Victims

Rachel Campos-Duffy blames protestors against ICE for helping drug cartels and sex traffickers. Trump's missing migrant children are not being saved from sex trafficking by ICE, Rachel.

It's always rich when right-wingers pretend to care about victims of crimes.

In today's episode of Earth 2's "Heroes As Villains" series, Rachel Campos-Duffy casts Jews shutting down ICE headquarters as helping drug cartels and sex traffickers. This is especially impressive gaslighting when one considers that just last week, Trump's Labor Secretary Alex Acosta had to resign in disgrace after his sweetheart deal to notorious sex-trafficker of girls, Jeffrey Epstein, came to light.

CAMPOS-DUFFY: If you don't want ICE, if you don't think that we should have border security, if you think that we should not arrest people or decriminalize people who come over to our country illegally and don't follow our rules, you're doing the work of the cartels. You're doing the work of the -- I mean, this is the wish list for human sex traffickers. If you want to protect our country, you have to support ICE, you have to support CBP. That doesn't mean you can't call for better conditions. But these people are calling for the abolition of ICE and for the decriminalization at our border. They want open borders.


We as a country -- and I think, you know, the president is getting a lot of heat because I think he is hitting a nerve here. There are a lot of silent majority Americans who are going right on, President Trump. Stand for our country. Stand for our flag. Stand for our law enforcement. Stand for law and order, and by the way, the people who leave Central America, all these dysfunctional, horrible, corrupt countries, they are leaving places where there's no law and order, and then they come here and they are enabled and supported by others who -- I mean, these are anarchists. They don't want law and order. They don't want what's best for the country.

Riiiiight. The protestors don't want what's best for the country, or law and order. What would the "patriotik krew" at Fox and Friends call Acosta's illegal behavior in his Epstein deal? Does THAT count as law and order? Does THAT protect the vulnerable people here in this country? Is the caging of babies and the deaths of migrant children what's best for our country? Are the incidents of sexual abuse that have gone on in Trump's concentration camps what these white nationalists consider supporting and standing for law enforcement and our flag?

But sure. The Jews who shut down ICE headquarters yesterday are the problem. Or are you just pissed that they won't dignify your network with their presence?

THAT is what's best for our country.

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