Louis Gohmert Cries Over Big Bad Justice Department And Meanie Mueller

Someone please give Louis Gohmert his blankie so he can calm down? Robert Mueller is not supposed to find out the political leanings of his employees before he hires them.

Louie. Louie. This dude really made the most of his five minutes, did he not?

GOHMERT: First let me ask unanimous consent, Mr. Chairman, to submit this article, "Robert Mueller Unmasked," for the record.

NADLER: Without objection.

Who wrote the article Gohmert just asked to be submitted "unmasking" Mueller? You guessed it, boys and girls! Rep. Louie I-Need-Attention Gohmert. SAD!

Then, after some more devoted, impassioned attempts to establish that Mueller was determined to bully the poor, helpless president by hiring people who are so darn mean to him, and just HATE him, Trump's bestie bootlicker Louie nearly broke down crying in his defense of our dear leader in what can only be described as a cross between Mr. Gohmert Goes To Washington and Psycho.

GOHMERT: Regarding collusion or conspiracy, you didn't find evidence of any agreement -- and I'm quoting you -- among the Trump campaign officials of any Russia-linked individuals to interfere with our U.S. election, correct?

MUELLER: Correct.

GOHMERT: So you also note in the report that an element of any of those obstructions you referenced requires a corrupt state of mind, correct?

MUELLER: Corrupt intent, correct.

GOHMERT: Right. And if somebody knows they did not conspire with anybody from Russia to affect the election and they see the big Justice Department with people that hate that person coming after them, and then a Special Counsel appointed who hires a dozen or more people that hate that person, and he knows he's innocent, he's not corruptly acting in order to see that justice is done. What he's doing is not obstructing justice, he is pursuing justice, and the fact you ran it up two years means that you perpetuated injustice.

MUELLER: I take your question.

I mean, did you hear what I heard? His voice breaking, his face red, brows furrowed in defiance of perceived injustice... THE BIG JUSTICE DEPARTMENT HAS PEOPLE WHO HATE YOU ARE COMING AFTER YOU AND NOW A SPECIAL COUNSEL HIIRES MORE PEOPLE WHO HATE YOU AND YOU'RE INNOCENT YOU MUST BREAK THE LAW TO SEE THAT JUSTICE IS DONE INSTEAD OF...oh. What? Cooperating and proving your innocence? You mean that was an option?

Even Mueller was alarmed enough to put up his hand as if to say, "Woah, calm down, sweetie, just ask your question, okay?" People LAUGHED at that point.

Then again, is it really news that people listening to Louie Gohmert laughed at him?

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