Nancy Pelosi Nails Trump For 'Making America White Again' By Telling Non-white Dems To 'Go Back' Home

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Sunday fired back at Donald Trump, calling out his overt white nNationalism.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Sunday fired back at Donald Trump after he launched a racist attack on foreign-born Democrats.

In a series of tweets on Sunday, Trump suggested that Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (who was born in Somalia but is a naturalized American citizen) and other Democrats --all of whom were born in the US--should "go back" to their country of origin.

Pelosi responded to Trump's tweets by accusing him of trying to make "America white again."

"When @realDonaldTrump tells four American Congresswomen to go back to their countries, he reaffirms his plan to 'Make America Great Again' has always been about making America white again," Pelosi wrote.

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