Omarosa Makes It Clear That Chants At Nazi MAGA Rallies Are LED By Rally Leaders

Omarosa drops an interesting detail about how those chants start at Trump rallies.

Donald Trump held one of his typical Nazi MAGA hate-filled rallies on Wednesday night, but this one was slightly different. Instead of the 2016 rallying cry of "Lock her up", the mob started chanting "Send her back!", referencing some tweets that Trump had fired off earlier in the week which ordered four Democratic congresswomen of color to consider leaving America to return to their home countries (even though three of them are U.S born and one is a naturalized American citizen).

Republicans said they were concerned but continued to stand by Trump's overt white nationalism. Trump lied and said that he didn't support the chant although it is clear that he stood back for 13 seconds and basked in the hate while the chant continued.

So, how did this chant start? The stadium had about 8,000 people, yet this chant really picked up steam in a matter of seconds. Donald Trump claims he had nothing to do with it, didn't support it (a lie) and didn't know anything about it.

Omarosa joined Donnie Deutsch on his MSNBC show "Saturday Night Politics" and shed some light on the origins of these chants:

"There are section leaders who help to start those chants, and so it was intentional and we know that they did it, so that they could start these chants, so he could test it."

Is anyone shocked? So who could be behind these viral chants? Stephen "Goebbels" Miller? Kellyanne "Meth Barbie" Conway? Ivanka "Kremlin Barbie" Trump? Or the Orange King himself?

Nope, according to several people who attended the rally, it was daughter-in-law Lara Trump who got the crowd primed to chant, as described by Republican strategist/Never Trumper Stuart Stevens.

Regardless, this information puts to rest any idea that the idiot MAGA crowd made this up themselves. They were COACHED by the Trump team. They were fed the words. They were riled up. They were ENCOURAGED to say these racist and bigoted things. Does this absolve the crowd? Absolutely not. But what it does do is remove any doubt that Donald Trump is an innocent victim of his own crowd.

Donald Trump is a racist pig. He is a bigot. He is a dictator. He is a fascist. He is an anti-Semite. He is an Islamphobe. He is an evil man with hate in his heart.

There is no doubt.

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