Reality Check: GOPers At Mueller Hearing Parroted Hannity Talking Points

"Hannity was offering up questions for Republicans to ask Mueller, despite assuring his audience this, 'This is not me telling people what to do,' " John Avlon said.

John Avlon points out the Republican members at yesterday's Mueller hearings were taking their talking points from Sean Hannity -- an obvious attempt to please their master.

"During the Mueller hearings, it sometimes sounded like Democrats and Republicans were living in different worlds. With the exception of Republican Will Hurd, Republicans essentially ignored the findings of the Mueller report, preferring to focus instead on alternative facts and half-baked deep state conspiracy theories. In a perfect example of the Fox-Trump feedback loop, it turns out that many questions came straight from Sean Hannity. My former colleagues at the Daily Beast picked up on the parroted talking points, and it's kind of stunning to see congressmen outsource their oversight of the republic to a right wing opinion host. But they're not alone, because Trump is also a part-time publicist, telling people to watch a 'really strong show' the night before the Mueller hearings.

"And Trump had reason to be excited, as Hannity was offering up questions for Republicans to ask Mueller, despite assuring his audience this.

This is not me telling people what to do.

But this show is an irony-free show, and here's part of how Hannity kicked it off:

If you haven't read the Mueller report, that makes you more pathetic. I'm going to try and assist for the American public's sake because lies and a hoax have led most of the media coverage.

"Hannity then of course proceeded to focus on lies and conspiracy theories. Here is Devin Nunes."

There is collusion in plain sight. Collusion between Russia and the Democratic party.

"That was the opening statement and it got worse from there. Here's one of Hannity's suggested questions."

Is it fair to say you're friends with Jim Comey?

"Just like a ventriloquist with a dummy on his knee, here's Louie Gohmert of Texas:

You and Jim Comey were friends for many years, correct?

"Here's a suggested question about Mueller aide Andrew Weisman."

Were you aware that Weisman was a devout Democrat who was at Hillary Clinton's victory party?

"And here's North Dakota representative Kelly Armstrong."

Andrew Weisman attended Hillary Clinton's election night party, did you know that?

"Next up: Same guy, different question."

Were you aware that Jeannie Ray who worked for you, she worked for Hillary Clinton on the Clinton Foundation as her lawyer?
Are you aware that Jeannie Ray worked with Clinton?

"Sometimes the questions were basic. Here's Hannity."

Does the president have the authority under Article Two to fire an FBI director or even you?
Can't the president fire the FBI director for any time without reason under Article One of the Constitution -- Article Two?


"Can he also fire you at any time without any reason?

"Now, all of this is a sign of coming attractions. The investigate-the-investigators gambit the GOP seems to care more about than the actual findings of the actual report. Because there were virtually no Republican questions dealing with the serious verified Russian attempts to influence our elections to benefit Donald Trump," Avlon said.

"It's just the latest sign of how hyper-partisanship makes us unable to agree on basic facts. As Republicans resist addressing a real and still-ongoing national security threat that would have them screaming for impeachment if a Democratic president did it. And that's your reality check."

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