Rep. Ilhan Omar's GOP Challenger Has A Bit Of A Shoplifting Problem
Danielle Stella, QAnon Conspiracist and GOP challenger to the Minnesota rep seems to have sticky fingers and a police record.
Boy, Republicans aren't even pretending to care about obeying the law or telling the truth any more. It's almost impressive.
QAnon Wacko Danielle Stella is challenging Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar (D) for her seat in Congress. She's super concerned about crime, dontchyaknow, and says Rep. Omar has broken the law by advising immigrants on how to avoid being captured by ICE. She just can't stand politicians who don't uphold the rule of law!
Well, turns out THAT tweet didn't age well.
Here's what else Stella has been up to in 2019. According to a report in The Guardian, she:
1. got herself arrested for stealing $40 worth of "cat merchandise" from a grocery store.
2. got herself arrested for stealing $2,300 worth of items from a Target store.
3. got herself a Contempt of Court citation for failure to appear in court in April.
4. lied during an interview with Infowars that crime in Minneapolis had gone up 80%. (It was around 10%, but what's 70% between friends?)
She also was charged with a felony for fleeing a police officer during a DUI arrest in 2009, but pled that down to a gross misdemeanor, according to The Guardian. She, of course, claims to be innocent of the crimes with which she is charged. The Tangerine Twatwaffle has successfully convinced his lunatic supporters that literally, what they see and hear is not real.
Let's get back to the Target thing, though. We can all agree, it's easy to ring up two grand worth of merchandise at Target just in the make-up aisle alone. But apparently Stella has a problem with Target in particular.
The complaint said Stella told police in a statement she “remembers arriving at Target to purchase items but nothing else” due to post-traumatic stress disorder, and that she “normally she goes to Target with someone because of anxiety around people”.
Stella has said publicly that she was the victim of a severe violent assault in 2008. She is charged with the thefts under her former surname, which the Guardian agreed not to report because she said it could endanger her safety.
Now, I will not make light of PTSD, or violent assault, no matter who the victim is. But if she was charged with the thefts under her former surname, and she asked publications not to report what that surname was, so as to not endanger her safety...wouldn't it stand to reason that RUNNING FOR OFFICE WOULD ALSO ENDANGER HER SAFETY? Like, is she thinking she can run for office, and whoever she's hiding from will not recognize her FACE as she is in the newspaper and on TV as a candidate? And — try to stay with me, here — if she WINS...should someone explain to her that she might get more publicity?
In addition to the awful crime in Minneapolis she's vowing to clean up, she's really worried about the police. "She has in the past complained that local police were 'overworked and overburdened' and said that, if elected, she would work to reduce crime."
Perhaps if she really wants to reduce crime and ease the workload on the police, she should stay out of Target stores.