Right-Wing Think Tanks Whine Over Trump's Census 'Cave'
Trump doesn't care what conservative think tanks say, and his base will believe anything he tells them.
Comrade Stupid’s caving-in on the Census’ citizenship question has resulted in some stunning reaction from the racists in The New Confederacy, Axios morning email thingie tells us (weird formatting is theirs, I swear):
Top figures in the conservative legal community are stunned and depressed by President Trump’s cave in his fight for a citizenship question on the 2020 Census, Axios’ Jonathan Swan reports.
- One GOP strategist called it a “punch in the gut.”
A week after insisting that he was “absolutely moving forward,” Trump said in the Rose Garden that he instead was directing federal agencies to try to compile the information using existing databases. (AP)
- Trump said: “There used to be a time when you could proudly declare, ‘I am a citizen of the United States.'”
- Democrats, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer, cheered.
Sources say Leonard Leo and other Federalist Society stalwarts were shocked and floored by how weak the decision was.
- “What was the dance … all about if this was going to be the end result?” a conservative leader asked.
- “A total waste of everyone’s time. … It’s certainly going to give people pause the next time one has to decide how far to stick one’s neck out.”
A senior administration official summed up the internal frustration at the opposition to the fight from key Justice Department lawyers:
- “What’s sad is the President has been right on this since Day 1, but he’s being told it’s too hard and too long a road legally. Washington lawyers too often bow to the courts and treat them like a higher branch, when this is ripe for a fight, with American people in full support.”
They want to know what it was all about? Prznint Stupid dominated the headlines, and probably scared the undocumented enough that they won’t answer the Census now anyway. Expect to see population drops reported from the big blue states, as well as Texas and Floriduh as the immigrant populace there goes underground.
The last thing Stupid cares about are the pointy heads in his own party, this plays well to his base. They understand what he did and why, and they will believe any lie he tells them.
The Think Tank types don’t realize that Comrade Prznint has no regard for them, they weren’t with him during the 2016 Goat Rodeo and he’s not with them now. They might was well be NeverTrumpers for the amount he cares.
Republished with permission from Mock Paper Scissors