Texas GOP Women: Trump Can't Be Racist, He Dated A Black Woman!
CNN presents them as plain old Republican women. There's more to the story.
I kind of hate these stories, where we all look at and ridicule the animals in the zoo. But in this case, there's more to the story than CNN presents at first glance.
New Day's Alysin Camerota introduced reporter Randi Kaye in Frisco, Texas, asking a panel of Republican woman about Trump's racist tweets.
"It is remarkable. It seems there's nothing President Trump can do to shake these eight Republican women from Texas," Kaye said. (Big surprise.)
"They are still diehard supporters still on the Trump train. And everyone in this most recent controversy, they feel that these congresswomen are racists and Donald Trump still has their full support," she said, asking them to raise their hands if they think what Trump said isn't racist.
All of them raised their hand.
"He was saying that if they hate America so much, because what we're seeing out of them and hearing out of them, they hate America. If it's so bad, there's a lot of places they can go," Dena Miller said.
"I'm a brown skinned woman. I am a legal immigrant. I agree with him."
"You don't think that's racist?" Kaye said.
"It's a demonstration of how their ideology spills over. They're not acting American," Kathleen Lieberman said.
"I'm glad the president said what he said. Because what they're doing is inciting hatred and division. it's not what our country is about," Gina O'Briant said.
"Isn't that what the president does with some of his own comments? His own racist comments?" Kaye asked.
"We know he's not racist. He loves people from Hispanics to black people, all across the board," said Cami Dean.
"He dated a black woman for two years. Two of his wives are immigrants. He is not a racist," O'Briant said.
"If the first black billionaire is endorsing President Trump, how can you call him racist?"
"So these congresswomen who ran, you're saying hate this country?" Kaye asked.
"Do you think it's just a coincidence that these four congresswomen the president is going after are not white?"
"I don't think it matters. It's idiotic what they're saying. So it doesn't matter whether they're white, man, woman, brown, yellow, anything."
"I wish that there was a 'why are they not racist?' How come they haven't befriended one of their white female congresswomen colleagues and let her join the group?"
"It's a good point. They don't like white people. Come on. They're racist."
And so on.
Although CNN didn't disclose this, Google tells me that Dena Miller is the national director of Trumpettes for America, a network of socialites who work to gin up support for Trump in the media. Well done, Dena!
Gina O’Briant, Geni Manning, and Kathleen Lieberman are members of the Texas Women for Trump Coalition. So they're not your typical housewives, either.
Republican Cami Dean ran for Congress (TX-3) in 2014.
These are not ordinary Republican women. These are people who are deeply invested in Republican activism, and their appearance here tells me they can't come up with enough mainstream Republicans for this focus group. They're only talking to the true believers -- which makes Trump look more popular than he really is.