Trump Urges Rally Crowd Against Rep. Ilhan Omar With 'Send Her Back!' Chant

It's disgusting, and all too familiar.

It's so exhausting. The constant hate, the manipulation, the lust for violence he taps into. He's such a pig, and such a loser. Anyone who has to lie and cheat his way into power has the Big L permanently tattooed on his forehead.

When my kids were in college, they'd say, "You were so lucky to be alive during the 60s and 70s, when everyone was so politically aware and so much was happening." I'd say, "You'd don't understand what it was like. It was horrible. The country was being torn apart."

Congratulations, kids. It's finally your turn.

And then, see what he does here? Makes a veiled allusion to Eric Garner, who was no doubt directed by Trump to shut down the DoJ prosecution into the cops who killed him. Isn't that adorable.

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