UPDATED: Trump's Latest Tantrum Target: UK Ambassador Kim Darroch Resigned

Trump is in the middle of a multi-day tantrum over leaked memos from UK Ambassador Kim Darroch.

Over the long Fourth of July holiday weekend, when people were busy celebrating how the Revolutionary soldiers, led by John Wayne, seized control of the British airports, news broke about some leaked memos written by the UK Ambassador to the United States, Kim Darroch.

In the leaked memos, Darroch assessed Trump to be, well, what we always knew him to be:

“We don’t really believe this Administration is going to become substantially more normal; less dysfunctional; less unpredictable; less faction riven; less diplomatically clumsy and inept,” Darroch reportedly wrote. The ambassador also wrote that Trump may “crash and burn,” and that the “worst cannot be ruled out” regarding Russia.

Trump immediately responded by going golfing.

Actually, Trump didn't respond to them until a couple of days ago when he stated that he wasn't going to deal with Darroch anymore.

Trump kept his tantrum going on Tuesday by attacking not only Darroch but British Prime Minister Theresa May:

The astute reader might have noted that Trump first said that he wouldn't deal with Darroch anymore. But in Tuesday's tweets, Trump said that he didn't know Darroch.

In other words, just another day in Trumpland, where he holds grudges over the slightest thing and he lies like a bratty four-year-old who had never been told "no."

UPDATE: Since this writing, Sir Kim Darroch has resigned.

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