Advertisers Are Fleeing Tucker Carlson After White Supremacy ‘Hoax’ Remarks
Apparently calling white supremacy a “hoax” that is “not a real problem in America" isn't so good for business.

Paid advertisements on the Tucker Carlson Tonight show have been plummeting since the host called white supremacy a “hoax” that is “not a real problem in America.”
Media Matters has found that since Monday, paid ads for Tucker Carlson Tonight have fallen from 21 to last night’s 11. At the same time, Fox News’ house ads and public service announcements have doubled and tripled, respectively.
Carlson made his odious remarks on Tuesday, August, 6, just three days after the El Paso shooting.
This is part of a long-term trend. Media Matters further found, “Nearly 50 companies have issued statements dropping Carlson’s show since December, when he asserted that immigrants make America “dirtier and poorer”--- and dozens more quietly cut ties without saying anything publicly.” Long John Silver’s has reportedly stopped advertising on Fox News altogether.
Carlson is following the Fox tradition of coincidentally taking a vacation right after creating a headache for the network. He will probably be back, though. The Hollywood Reporter noted that “the show has come to rely more on smaller direct-marketing companies that are less likely to cut ties, though a few major brands — such as StarKist, Sandals Resorts and Nutrisystem — have remained consistent advertisers.”
Whether or not Carlson dials down the white nationalism if and when he returns remains to be seen.
Published with permission from News Hounds.