Be Warned: If You Support Trump, You're Supporting ALL Parts Of Trumpism
With the level of national security risks and human rights violations, enjoying tax cuts is not a good enough reason to support Trump. This isn't a buffet; you don't get to pick and choose any more.
Blatant lies. Unrelenting lies. Constant lies.
Sexual assaults.
Willful denial of climate change.
Propping up dictators.
Putting babies in cages.
Concentration camps.
Human rights abuses.
Sharing intelligence with foreign agents.
Strained relationships with foreign allies and the perception of erratic and unreliable partnerships.
Insults to minorities, women, allies, the media, the LGBTQ community, immigrants and others with further executive actions to marginalize them further.
Personally profiting from constant vacations and golf weekends at his own resorts.
There's more. Oh God, there's so much more. We can talk about increasing the deficit to over $1 trillion. We can talk about destroying endangered and formerly protected wildlife spaces. We can talk about the myth of the "great" Trump economy. I could fill the entire site with the ways that Donald Trump is harmful to the country. He is hurting us on every level. He (and his Republican enablers in Congress) are literally destroying democracy from within.
And at this point, if you are supporting Trump, you are supporting all of this.
Now, don't get me wrong. I voted for both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and I certainly did not agree with every policy they set forth. It's an unrealistic and immature expectation to think that any candidate could be all things to all people.
But there has NEVER been an elected official who has so torn at the fabric of democracy, who has put our nation at risk internationally and domestically than Donald Trump. It is no longer a case of "well, I'm socially liberal but I like my tax cuts."
No, nope, not even a little bit. With all the damage, there can be no picking and choosing of why you support Donald Trump. You've bought the whole enchilada at this point. You own this. And you have to be willing to face the criticism that support brings. You don't get to disavow any part that feels uncomfortable to you.
The choice is America or fascism with Donald Trump and the Republican Party.
That's it.
Make your choice and the rest of us will treat you accordingly.