El Paso Shooter's Manifesto Uses Trump And Right Wing Talking Points
Trump's words and FOX News host anti-immigrant hate speech are all over the El Paso shooters manifesto and here is the proof
The El Paso mass shooter was radicalized here. He supports the ChristChurch shooter. He calls Hispanic people "invaders". He drove 10 hours to shoot up a Wal-Mart on a Saturday afternoon in an area with a high Hispanic immigrant population in the middle of summer when family's are back to school shopping. He know his choice of day and time would lead to maximum bloodshed of children and families. He is a racist, a White Nationalist and a hate filled loser.
Oh, and his "manifesto" hate screed is filled with talking points and terminology used by Donald Trump at his Nazi MAGA rallies and FOX News hosts like Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity.
So where was he radicalized? On FOX News and watching MAGA rallies.
Here is proof of the link between Donald Trump and FOX News hosts hate speech and the manifesto written by the El Paso shooter. This is just the first page, but you can see it littered with almost word for word quotes directly from Donald Trump and FOX News hosts:
More nearly identical quotes or ideas:
A big talking point of the GOP and Donald Trump is the idea that open borders will lead to an invasion and a surge in Democratic voters that will steal the country from the Only Real American Patriots (ie, gun loving Christian Republicans)
And this meme...nails it
The only way to try to pull us back from the brink of a straight up civil war is stricter gun control laws and to vote Donald Trump out. He is the cancer. He is the tumor. He is the sickness infecting our country.