Here's Your Weekly Reminder That Republicans Want To Balance The Budget On The Backs Of The Elderly And The Poor

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham tells CBS' Margaret Brennan that the tax cuts that blew up the deficit are going to pay for themselves, and that we need to get "entitlement" spending under control if we want to balance the budget.

Here's your weekly reminder that Republicans only care about the deficit when a Democrat is in the Oval Office, or when they can use it as an excuse to destroy our social safety nets and balance the budget on the backs of the elderly and the poor (or both).

Here's South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham lying about tax cuts paying for themselves while advocating for just that on this Sunday's Face the Nation:

MARGARET BRENNAN: I want to ask you about a report out this week from the Congressional Budget Office. They raised the estimate the budget deficit to now one trillion dollars for 2020.


MARGARET BRENNAN: As a Republican, do you still believe deficits matter?

SENATOR LINDSEY GRAHAM: Yeah, deficits matter, but they're driven by entitlement spending. I don't believe defense spending is the problem with the deficit. I don't believe--

MARGARET BRENNAN: From the tax cuts--

SENATOR LINDSEY GRAHAM: --discretionary, domestic--- I don't believe the tax cuts--

MARGARET BRENNAN: --also were unpaid for.

SENATOR LINDSEY GRAHAM: I think the tax cuts are going to pay for themselves. I believe that. I think an infrastructure bill would probably pay for itself. You'll never get deficits in order and out of debt and to reform Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid.

"Reform" which is GOP groupspeak for gut, decimate, privatize, destroy.

Graham is running for re-election next year. He seems bound and determined to continue to give his Democratic challenger Jamie Harrison more footage for new campaign ads.

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