Kennedy Tries To Prove Trump And Fox News Doesn't Radicalize Viewers
The Outnumbered panelist tries and fails, that is, in a desperate attempt to not accept any role in the murders of El Paso, Dayton, and Gilroy.
So, here we have Carley Shimkus in her natural habitat on Fox News protecting President Proud White Nationalist from having to shoulder any blame at all for his violent, racist rhetoric. Particularly when it comes to the murder his words have incited.
Okay, she gets a cookie for giving a nod to universal background checks, but I insist it be a stale one, because caping for Tangerine Twitler is gross.
Jessica Tarlov gets one freshly baked cookie, though, for taking Fox's money while pushing back against the "both sides" bullsh*t, saying that rhetoric DOES matter, and pointing out that the El Paso white domestic terrorist actually quotes Trump in his manifesto.
Pretentious British Vacuous Man In The Middle Says Something Blah Blah Blah
Then things get weird with Kennedy. Tarlov explained that Cesar Sayoc's own attorneys said Trump's rhetoric played a role in his sending pipe bombs to prominent Democratic politicians and CNN. That his love for Trump, combined with what he was seeing in the press is how he was radicalized, moving him to go after Trump's "enemies." Kennedy disagreed, and had this super scientific, absolutely rock-solid piece of evidence to back up her position.
1. Why does Kennedy look at the ground when she says "Miss you" to her dad?
2. If he watched Fox News 23 hours a day, how could he have picked up a gun to kill anyone?
3. When would he have found the time?
Finally, Kennedy is right about one thing. watching news doesn't turn one into a murderous sociopath. But this is Fox we're talking about. It's straight-up propaganda. And propaganda is what is used to radicalize people. So, if the 4-inch stiletto fits...
John Amato: This is as lazy and unserious a remark as Kennedy has ever made.